Wednesday, September 2, 2015

On the Canvas of Society

This is a small booklet I started giving to my loved ones and friends. The booklet is a welcome gift to those attending The Feast (a weekly Catholic Fun Gathering) I like this booklet because it gives me the opportunity to write and regularly remind myself of my seven dreams.

I had a lot of dreams fulfilled through the Novena. In fact this is my 10th Novena to God's Love copy. After 7 years, I realize my dreams may only be important if I align each dream after God's heart. I often hear it said.

Also, I experience's God 3 answers to my dream: a Yes, I have something Better, and a Later. I often want to hear a Yes. while the Something Better always surprises me. And the Later always annoys me. I get to be very impatient, I suppose.

But while waiting I realize it makes me rethink about the dreams that I have.
I have heard the story of Joey Velasco the painter of the image of Jesus in this small booklet.

He was a successful businessman but he had been ill and had to be in bed.
Being bored in bed he started to paint again. It was here that he was able to paint wonderful portraits and landscape of Philippine society.

I realize, Yes I have dreams and I hope to look for something better and be willing to wait.

You are booked for greatness,

Chris Lodovice

PS. Watch Joey Velasco as he speaks about his painting

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Unacknowledged Praying Buddy

As we exchanged story while traveling, my companion started to open up.
I know I had not always been good. There were times that I came to a point of not believing God and did ‘vices’ that follows an unbeliever… All the while, I traveled the world and had parties everywhere. I taught life was everything under the sun but all were empty. It lead me to search for meaning and purpose… you know where I ended up? I just found myself back to God… But it was not totally me who found God rather it was that knowledge that someone was out there in our home everyday praying for me. She is no other than my mama.
As I had recalled this conversation. It just dawned in me how my mother had always been my ‘unacknowledged’ praying buddy too. I am so thankful to my mother and my father, for I know, they had always been praying buddies for all four children. Indeed! Can a mother forget his own? and yet even if she forgets God does not forget you…
Today, 31st of July my Mama Junith celebrates her 59th birthday. Join me in prayer for more fruitful years of blessing and gratitude for life.
You are booked for greatness,
Chris Lodovice

Moving toward's Life's Compass

I would stare at the computer and try to call customers but to no avail. "I can't do this anymore."

After prayer and discernment. I decided to take a leap of faith and say goodbye to what I believe is one of the best companies in the country. At the same time, it was hard to let go of the security that a monthly salary provides, not to mention the questioning looks from those who wonder why I was letting go of a great opportunity that others would love to have.

I heeded the call to manage my own time and be in the financial business. I became more content but worries of different nature crowded my mind.Was this really my path?

But deep inside I had peace. I knew I was doing the right thing because I was being true to who I am and what I want.

With faith, I'm assured God has my back. He provides me with life's direction.

You are booked for greatness,
Chris Lodovice

It's Time to Move

For the last two weeks, I fell into depression. My heart was broken and I felt so sad. I just wanted to sleep the whole day. I dreaded waking up for it meant feeling the pain in my heart.

Sleep became a form of escape for me. I didn't want to eat and I became very sickly.

I know it was alright to feel down when one is grieving. But at some point, prolonged sadness must end because it is unhealthy and kills ones spirit. I realized that I needed to help myself. I opened my heart to God's healing love and picked myself up by finding joy in the simple things again. Like eating and playing football.

As I began to enjoy eating, it gave me strength to face each day. Moving playing helped too. I needed to sweat out.

Helping your body become strong again through proper nutrition and exercise will help you overcome blues. Along with community prayers, they helped me move on and keep on

You are booked for greatness,

Chris Lodovice

*Adapted from Didache 2015 readings

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Reading all over again

Of productivity and purpose
of essence and grace
of mission and run
of winning and losing

of gaining and losing
of fighting and quitting
of fairness and justice
of grace and love
of trust and grace

of love and care
of thoughts from a far
of addiction and freedom
of hugs and kisses
of sincerity and lust
of trust and distrust

Of getting starting over again

Of saint and sinner
of cool and not cool
of simply body and spirit
of focus and not focus
of love and charity

Of fruits and harvest
of control and no control
of love and spirit
of forgiveness and plans
of resolutions and struggles

of defeat and victory
of sin and death
of young and old
of greed and lust
of money and fame

of help the poor
of guidance and joy
of love and charity

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Of Questions and Answers

Of rising and falling
Of love and unloved
Of learning and unlearning
Of intimacy and distance
Of pain and pleasure
Of understanding and judgement
Of curse or blessing

Of grace and disgrace
Of God and Mammon
Of Faith and Fear
Of Belief and Disbelief

Of Sorrow and Pain
Of Closeness and openness
Of Friendship and sadness
Of Contact and dis-contact
Of Friendship and lukewarm

Of business and relationship
Of money and profit
Of freedom and slavery
Of leadership and membership

Of love and lust
Of Religion and Relationship
Of Tradition and Newness
Of old and New

Of high-tech and low-tech
Of sorrow and pain
Of Christ and King
Of Allah and God
Of New Age and Old Age
Of Trust and Distrust
Of Fear and Desire
Of Others and simply me
Of guilt and thoughts

Of sin and non-sense
Of handwork and smart-work
Of Business or employment
Of confusion and peace
Of Beauty and Grace

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Conquered Death

Photo taken from the internet
Photo taken from the internet
Living God...
we pray but no one seems to hear.
Is our God the God of the Living or the Dead.

No our God is one that has power to raise the dead to life.
One that can turn harden person to someone a new...
The God who conquered death.

Yes, as a people we can only buy life as much as we can.
But in the end death is unstoppable.
But I believe in the life after death.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Game I Never Thought I would Play

When I was a toddler my mother always found me tapping my heels.
It came to a point she needed to wrap my feet to prevent it from swollen as a result.

She told me that it may have been a sign that I would play football.
I often laugh about this she she tells this story. Well, because it not true, I do play football but she does not know I not good at it. haha. But never the less I enjoy it for what it teaches me.

Back when I was in High School in Don Bosco, games like football had always been taught in the light of learning something out of it. Apart from just being part of the Physical Education (P.E) Subject. Our couches that always imparted games as away to polish ones discipline, characters and idleness.

With that I would be forever grateful hoping to continue playing as long as life brings.

Of course, football is not the end all. It is not the only activity that inculcates teamwork, endurance, camaraderie. I believe, like football, life lesson can be found in the very area of my life - families, friendships, business and work.

You are booked for greatness,

Chrislann Lodovice Catuburan

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Bouncing Back From My Failures

Growing up as a boy I was nurtured in an environment of always aiming for greatness.
Good and above average grade is highly rewarded.
Unfortunately, my elementary grades follow short of my parents standards.

So, I did my best on my high school years.
Fortunately, we were just 28 students which means higher chance of passing.
Of course, I did my best to be included in the top 10 students.
I also did my best to be on the dean's list in my college years.

My scholastic sacrifice paid off.
Until there came a time that I thought I had been failure proof.
Then it came, I fail the board exam for teachers.

It took me some years to recover from my failure.

My take away lesson - aiming high does only mean struggling to be best.
But rather knowing that failure are expected but not as the end but as a stepping stone to ones high purpose.

You are booked for greatness,

Chrislann Lodovice Catuburan

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentines Day

There was a story of a couple who'd been dating for five years. 
One cool Valentine morning, the guy drove the girl to work. 

Then she gently held his hand and told him, 
“I had a strange dream last night. 
You gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's Day. 
What do you think it means?” 

He smiled and with a twinkle in his eyes he tenderly replied, 
“You'll know tonight,” 

That evening, they went out for dinner. 
And before the night ended, the guy was starry-eyed when he lovingly handed his gift to her. Delighted, she slowly untied the red ribbon, careful not tear what looked like an expensive wrapper. 

By the time she saw the wooden box engraved with words that said, 
“Especially for You,” tears begin to roll down her soft cheeks. 
She was choking with emotion and said, 
'Oh darling, you didn't have to.” 

Teary-eyed, he adoringly replied,
“Open it.” 
Inside it was a book entitled “The Meaning of Dreams.”

Valentine's is for love, not just for lovers. 
I spent the day at home. 
It was like any other Saturday expect for my two sisters giving my mama and papa flowers. 
My father said, it was better to buy kilos of rice than the flowers. 

Of course, being a super hero brother, 
I reasoned out with my sisters that they needed tokens of appreciation like a bouquet of flowers.

I may have already settled with the joy that comes with the simplicity of being unattached. 
Happiness is not based on circumstance by rather on choice. 
Being single is also a blessing. 

I come to think of it, a person needs to be happy with who he or 
she is on the inside for him or her to be happy in a long-term relationship. 
One has to create stability in his or her life before one can share it with some else.

You are booked for greatness,

Chrislann Lodovice-Catuburan

Adapted from SinglesTalk by Darwin John Moises and Michelle Palmares with a bit of Chrislann Lodovice-Catuburan's experience.  

Grammar Police

I and my sister were in one room. I was doing my blogging and my sister was studying.
I left my the computer screen open as I was called to do an errand.

After coming back, she told me she did not understand what I was writing.
I said to her, "Wow you are reading my writing! I am happy my sister is one of my avid readers."

She interrupted me saying,
"No Kuya (Brother), your grammar is just so disturbing to look at." LOL.

You are booked for greatness,

Chrislann Catuburan

Learning and Learning Again and Again

I am thankful that I had been one of our company's employee of the month.

One office mate asked me, “What is your secret that made you the Employee of the Month?”
I told him, “Just do your work extraordinarily.”
He responded, “How do you do your work Extraordinarily?”

I was not able to answer him back. I thought I had just given him an unclear response.
Days after it dawned in me that working extraordinarily meant learning my field.

I took it to heart that I needed to learn about my field of work and so I studied it.
It maybe cliche to say, "Becoming a life time learner" but it just really the way for me.

I read books and when I did not have the time to read books I download audio books and listen to it on my way to the office.
I have to maximize all of my time and turn them to something productive.

For anyone aspiring to be great, the person needs to humble himself and learn again and again.

You are booked for greatness,

Chrislann Catuburan

Writing to the Unknown Market

As a novice writer I am discovering what would be a good subject for me.
Wondering what may be a good writing niche for me.  

I have to accept I had stopped writing daily as I did not have the time.
I also the lost the interest to write.
I thought if I write daily I would have to forcing myself to write.

I realized it would be easy if I would just share what I my daily life experiences.
Or what I may have read or talk about my aspirations and dreams.
Or write other people's stories of success and failures and learn from them.

You are booked for greatness, 

Chrislann Lodovice Catuburan 

Writing for Fun and Living

Lately, I had been bored to death.
I had not been productive and had started to go back to my idle habits.
My sister told me to pick a new habit again.
I thought of continuing my blogging as in a way I had gain some followers.

I had been sharing word of mouth to the people around me that I do blogging.
One senior in the office then told me that her brother also blogs.
She showed me his brother's blogs and to my surprise his brother also writes for newspapers.

I was humbled realizing after all I am still a newbie to blogging.
But I hope to make my writing fun and as I learn along the way.

You are booked for greatness.

Chrislann Catuburan

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

To the God I Cannot See

I am not a priest nor pastor nor preacher.
But I have realized I am holding back in something in my writing That something is sharing my belief about Jesus.
It is a reality that Jesus is not any more present today.
But little by little as I allow myself to know about the reality of this historical man...
What is more to this man than the person he was? 
More than the religion I been taught I believe in love. 

Love that bears all things and hopes all things.  
How I hope to see the image of the God made man in the world today. 

Blogging and Influencing

Two of my companions had been telling me that they had started writing. 
I was amazed at them and also to myself as I had started sharing my personal journals and reflections through my blogs.
I felt great knowing that I am influencing them in a way as I had been influenced by my mentors too. 

Flying Abroad

My siblings are leaving the family bird's nest. I believe I would soon be following them too.
I had my fair share of leaving ones family nest when I entered the seminary on my secondary school.
I stayed in the seminary for 9 years. Thus, after deciding that priestly life is not for me. I decided to stay at home before living independently.
After all, one needs to leave once family nest and spread ones wings and learn to fly.

28 Lemonsito Juice

I had been feeling the discomfort drinking Lemonsito Juice. I took the challenge of drinking pure 28 Lemonsito Juice an hour before taking breakfast.
The people around me notice the change in my eating and had been influenced to live life healthily
I do still eat fast foods. Yes, I am not perfectly healthy but being with people who are trying to stay healthy helps a lot

I realize I am a product of influence by the people I had surround myself.

Missed Adventures

Sometimes the greatest adventure in lie is not the camps I had been too.
A young mom shared to me that her life had been a routine. She wanted some adventure. Then all of a sadden her son had encounter school challenges that needed her attention.
Like her often find myself in search of adventure when adventure had often presented itself in my day to day discomforts and challenges.

Friday, February 6, 2015


Photo courtesy of Danasan Eco Adventure
My company will going tomorrow for an adventure camp.
Hmm. The last time I had camp was still back in my Don Bosco School days. 
I am sure it is going to be a lot of fun. 

It is something that I need. Something different from a week's office work. 
My million thanks to those who have thought about it. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Child Again

This kind of picture I do not normal put on public.
But thanks to my companion Kelly Ann who had recalled the child in me.

When I was about 12 years old.
I remember imitating power moves after watching my favorite Power Ranger TV series.
Today, I may have even forgotten about.

But this photo have rekindled my love for powers in a sense.
It also reminds me to be creative, fun loving and playful from time to time.

I hope to take life more joyful than being too serious.
Child once again. Go Go Go Power!

You are booked for greatness,

Chrislann Lodovice Catuburan

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

All Shall be Well

I heard a story from a friend.
Who had a few misunderstanding with her family.

Since my friend's family had been relaying on her income for the past months.
She had suggested to her family to open an eatery to have other stream of income.
While waiting for other sources of income.
The idea of opening an eatery was not something new.

However, her family had not liked the idea and were upset.
My friend immediately ask for apology.

What she thought of something good was not perceived to be as she expected.

One of my friend had consoled her with the thought,
"That once her family's income gets back to normal all shall be well.
In the meantime, she just has to trust and focus on the good."

You are booked for greatness,

Chrislann Lodovice Catuburan

Friday, January 23, 2015

Not Writing Regularly

Lately, I thought of my writing to be needing much planning.
It surely needs an editor before I put it to the public and a story broad.
Thus, for the past weeks I had not been blogging.

At first I had my sisters edit my work.
But situations had been different as I and my sisters were occupied with our primary work.

I also fear thinking about the future.
I thought what would other say 10 years from today back at my written articles.
I fear seeing my mistakes and my reaction.

I read a newspaper report about a woman blogger.
She had not been accepted in a company due to previous blogs.
Blogs, she even forgot she had written.
But at the same time I heard a positive blog like stories that turn into a movie.

I guess for me.
Sharing my writing whether it needed much editing or not.
Of course, I am not promoting unedited work.
For me, the most important thing is being able to tell a good story.

You are booked for greatness,

Chrislann Lodovice Catuburan

Friday, January 9, 2015

More than The Gift is The Giver

I did not have a wishlist for last Christmas. 
I did not expect to receive any gift.
But I did receive a gift that I perfectly needed.

This does not encourage me to out only write but pray and reflect. 

More than that gift I thank the giver.

You are booked for greatness, 

Chrislann Lodovice Catuburan


Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Butterfly Story

Once a upon a time there was a caterpillar. 
The caterpillar saw his friend, the butterfly. 
He said to the butterfly how want to become like him. 

The butterfly said, you are going to be like me for as long as you are willing to undergo the process. 
Days pass and the caterpillar started to fall into a long sleep. 
He had undergone the process of changing himself into a beautiful butterfly. 

Often, I do forget that for every change in my life there is a process I have to undergo. 

You are booked for greatness, 

Chrislann Lodovice Catuburan